corner of a room

美 [ˈkɔːrnər əv ə ruːm]英 [ˈkɔːnə(r) ɒv ə ruːm]
  • 房间里的角落
corner of a roomcorner of a room
  1. Put favourite toys in each corner of a room and entice her to come and get them for herself .


  2. Or a shelf , or a countertop , or a corner of a room .


  3. when I was at a party and I heard a sound coming out of a record player in the corner of a room .


  4. If it is not a separate room , it could be the corner or area of a bigger room .


  5. A video-portrait and the self-shot footage out of this person 's life are mounted one on top of the other and projected into a top corner of a small , dark room .
